What We Offer

Initial Analysis

We will work with you to analyze and diagnose your current fundraising efforts, evaluating what has worked well, what needs to be improved, and what new approaches we can offer. 

Fundraising Plan

Next we will create a detailed month-by-month plan, focusing on implementation strategies so you can achieve the results you desire. This will include goals for engaging donors, direct mail and digital appeals, a donor communications strategy, and major donor engagement plan.  



Digital and direct mail appeals can be a great way to gain new donors and to keep your current donors engaged. We will help you identify which projects and approaches will work best for an appeal, develop the communications strategy, and write and design the content. If we choose to mail an appeal, we will work with the printer and mail house, so you don’t have to do a thing. 

Donor Communications

Digital communication is a great way to keep your donors updated on how your organization is doing and what your needs are. We will help you develop content and videos that will keep your donors up to date, engaged, and feeling valued and informed. 

Major Donor Engagement

Cultivating and maintaining relationships with major donors takes special care and attention. We are passionate about helping you identify who your best major donor prospects are and working to get them excited about joining you in your mission. 

Coaching Calls


Our 50-minute coaching calls will help keep you on track, identify obstacles, find solutions, and stay motivated when things get tough. We will also spend time on these calls tweaking and updating our strategy and plan.